So I fell down the rabbit hole of essential oils!
Life in the time of COVID19. Face mask everywhere on everyone! 😷 I got tired of wearing those blue hospital-like mask because it couldn't be reused and if you actually tried reusing it. You are bound to get acne and fibres stabbing you in the eye! Plus, I think it is very bad for the enviroment to keep changing new masks. So my boyfriend got me a fabric one with filters which was soft and super breathable. I could wear it all day long without complaint. But then I realized as soon as you reuse it, the mask gets really smelly and usually it smells of food residue. Of course, I can wash my mask but I can't be washing them after every meal! So I was looking for a way to deodorize my mask. My mom had a bottle of lemon grass essential oils which she got from Lake Toba. But it was not appealing to me at all. It was so strong and overpowering and it smelled so chemical-y! I totally was disgusted by that. Then I was thinking to myself. It is impossible that all essential oils smell...